Tuesday, October 22

Author: mantmaturez

Секс ажәабжь Саԥҳәыс лҩыза лԥынҵа, уи хааӡа иҭәын

Секс ажәабжь Саԥҳәыс лҩыза лԥынҵа, уи хааӡа иҭәын

Сара сыхьӡуп Рифан, схатә ҩыза слыцынхоит, Ҽнак аҩны сгәы каҳаны сыҟан, убри аҟнытә сара сцәеижь асофаҿы сышьҭеиҵеит. ауадаҿы, BF DVD анырзыӡырҩ ашьҭахь. Сара сышәҵатәқәа анысшәых ашьҭахь, уажәшьҭа амаикәан мацара сшәын, ҵаҟатәи амаҭәа сышәҵаны сыҟамызт. Сара ҳәаа змам амассаж ҟасҵеит, насгьы сцәа ҵысит. Сара сцәа ҭыҩра аҵыхәантәи иубарҭан ицқьоу аӡы шыӡыҭуаз, уи сгәаҳәара еиҳа ишыӷәӷәахаз аанарԥшуан. Апорнография сахәаԥшуа, Аура схаҿы иаазго сгәы анҭынчыз, ашьапышьҭыбжьқәа саҳаит, насгьы аӡәы дсыԥхьон. «Рифан? Виви? Шәабаҟоу шәара? Ус анакәха уцома, уцома?" – ҳәа абжьы геит. Сышәҵатәқәа рышәҵара аамҭа смоуӡакәа, еҳҳ, иаалырҟьаны ауадаҿы Аура дааит, нас... "Ааааааа, иҟауҵозеи?" "Сара.. аа.. убас убас.. Сара.. е.. даҽазнык.. абри..." Изҵаара аҭак сзыҟаҵомызт. Игәы ҭҟьаны. Агәыҭҟьа-ԥс...
Aunt Mila’s Sex Story I Fucked

Aunt Mila’s Sex Story I Fucked

In front of my house there is a young mother who is actually not beautiful but very attractive. She is married and has 3 children. Her age is around 36-39 years old but her face and body look 9 years younger. Let's call her Aunt Mila. Aunt Mila works in a government agency where my mother also works there, so they are office friends. This story began when my mother often told me to submit work files to Aunt Mila. So I became close to her. That night as usual, my mother told me to go to Aunt Mila's house to submit the work files, at the same time I said goodbye to go out to play. I knocked on her door several times until I was tired of waiting in front of her house. Why does it look quiet, are they all going out, but Aunt Mila's car is in the garage, I muttered to myself. Not long ...
Sex Story of a Pregnant Coworker Raped Again

Sex Story of a Pregnant Coworker Raped Again

adult, ngentot reading. I am a married man and work in a private company in Jakarta, one day there was a woman in the change from the branch office to the head office where I work. Her name is Anista, she is beautiful, her skin is white and clean, her height is approximately 165cm, and she has plump breasts. I like to steal glances to see the beauty of her face. At first I didn't know that she was pregnant because she liked to wear loose clothes, but after knowing that she was pregnant I was even more enthusiastic to approach her, because in my opinion pregnant women are much sexier. Adult Sex Reading Group Pregnant Coworker Adult Sex Pregnant Coworker Sex 2024 After almost a month of approaching, I made up my mind to invite her to lunch at Ancol, because I believe Anista likes m...
A mo storia sessuale cù u mo fidanzatu

A mo storia sessuale cù u mo fidanzatu

Aghju apertu pigramente l'ochji. Iè, mi chjamu Radit. Sò un studiente di u 7u semestru chì si specializza in IT in una di e famose università di Jakarta.  "Aspetta, sò digià 7 ore, mi sentu un pocu fretu", aghju dettu mentre verificava u mo telefuninu. I mo ochji sò cascati nantu à una di e notificazioni nantu à u telefuninu chì aghju avutu. Aghju sorrisu quandu aghju vistu una di e notificazioni. Iè, era una notificazione da u mo amicu. Aghju pigliatu una spugna è aghju preparatu per duscia. Iè, è cum'è sapete, u rituali per quasi tutti l'omi hè di piglià una doccia rapida. Dopu a duscia, aghju messu a mo robba per appruntà à andà in u campus per cuntinuà a mo preparazione di stage. "Sì bellu", aghju dettu quandu aghju vistu u mo riflessu in u specchiu. Aghju pigliatu e chja...
Like Fania’s Buttocks Sex Story

Like Fania’s Buttocks Sex Story

After school that Saturday, the OSIS management meeting was immediately continued. The meeting was held as preparation and the formation of a small committee for the election of a new OSIS. Like previous years, the election was intended as a regeneration and 3rd grade students were no longer allowed to be elected as management, except for several core management members who would be "promoted" to become advisors. After the meeting, I rushed home, because in the afternoon there was a routine monthly event: going home to my parents' house in the village. Before I had time to get out of the meeting room door, a loud girl's voice called me. "Didik .." I turned around, it turned out to be Sarah who immediately waved for me to come closer. "Dik, don't go home yet. There's something I want ...
A storia perversa di Lesby Dahlia è u so amante

A storia perversa di Lesby Dahlia è u so amante

U so amante. Mi chjamu Dahlia, studiu in una università privata in Jakarta. Sò originaria di Bandung è in Jakarta aghju imbarcatu in una pensione di donne in South Jakarta. Ci sò circa 12 persone in imbarcu à u mo locu è a maiò parte di elli studianu sempre cum'è mè, ancu s'ellu ci sò ancu quelli chì sò digià travagliatu. Sò furtunatu di vene da una famiglia benestante, forse si puderia ancu dì chì hè abbastanza eccessiva. Una cosa chì mi distingue da altre donne nurmale hè chì da a zitiddina ùn aghju mai statu attrattu da l'omi. In verità, assai picciotti mi piaciu da quandu era in u liceu. Parechji di i mo amichi si dumandanu ancu perchè ùn aghju micca un fidanzatu, perchè pensanu chì sò bella. Dicu sempre chì ùn mi piace à nimu è ùn vogliu micca affruntà in incontri. Ci era ancu pers...
Pworausen Sex ren Aramas mi watte

Pworausen Sex ren Aramas mi watte

Lupwen Riski a angei eu wis seni an we ofes pwe epwe awora asukul ngeni ekkewe keangen ofesilap lon ekkewe sopw, a chuuri emon fefin mi pupulu mi nefinen ierin seni eu sopw a sai ngeni. Seni ei mwich, Riski a soposopono ne tongeni fiti ew fefin mi nefinen ierin itan Mrs. Isna. Ka mochen sinei met epwe fis mwirin, chon anneani??? kopwe chok anneani ewe poraus fan!!! Ei porausen sex ina ew pwisin kuna me ai aewin kuna ren punuwen emon. Ei osukosuk a fis ukukun 6 maram a no. Ei poraus a poputa nupwen ua kefinita me ren ewe ofes ai upwe awora kaeo ngeni ekkoch pranch non Central Java (Central Java). Ren ekkewe mettochun imw, ewe ofes a fen awora. Inaamwo ika ewe ofes a fen awora leenien op, nge fán ekkóch ua kan annut lón eú keangen ofesilap lón eú sóópw. Tori ew ran nupwen ua nomw non e...
Sexy story of a Virgin Who Likes Lesbians

Sexy story of a Virgin Who Likes Lesbians

Now I am boarding in Jokja because I am from Korea and studying in Jokja, let me introduce myself, my name is Fitri where I am boarding in the South Jokja area, there are 10 rooms and all are full of mostly women and there are lectures and work I am lucky because I am a family of rich people. One thing that distinguishes me from other normal women is that since I was little I have never been interested in men. Actually, there are many men like me since I was in high school. My friends also wonder why I don't have a boyfriend either, because they think I am beautiful. I always tell you that I don't do anything and I don't want to go fast. Someone once joked and said maybe I was a lesbian. Actually my friend was right, but I didn't dare admit it. I am frankly embarrassed if anyone k...
Histoires de sexe perverses avec Evida Janda Semok Hot

Histoires de sexe perverses avec Evida Janda Semok Hot

Perverted Sex Story avec Evida Janda Semok Hot, mon expérience cette fois a commencé il y a plusieurs années. A cette époque, j'habitais chez mon ami qui était assez loin de chez moi. Comme mon lieu de travail est très proche de la maison de mon ami, il m'est assez facile d'aller travailler temporairement. Dans cette maison, mon amie vit avec sa sœur qui est une veuve ronde et sexy et qui est aussi coquette, à partir de là j'ai eu envie de profiter du corps d'Evida. J'ai toujours fait attention à ce qu'Evida faisait à la maison, jusqu'au jour où j'ai eu une assez bonne opportunité de coucher avec Evida. Cette activité est devenue une activité de routine entre moi et Evida, après le travail ou quand c'est calme à la maison. Chaque fois que je fais ça, ma main n'oublie toujours pas de gli...
Histoires de sexe pour le plaisir, j’ai baisé mon frère

Histoires de sexe pour le plaisir, j’ai baisé mon frère

Histoires de sexe pour le plaisir J'ai baisé mon frère, je m'appelle Darwin, je suis originaire de Bandung et je vis à Jakarta parce que je suis à l'université. Je vis à Jakarta avec ma sœur Indah. Elle est mannequin pour un magazine pour adultes. Elle vient de se marier depuis quelques mois avec un conglomérat minier pétrolier en Amérique. Indah a une silhouette proportionnelle, ses seins 36B sont gonflés, ses fesses sont grosses et gaies, me faisant imaginer chaque jour à quel point son mari sera heureux d'avoir Indah. Un beau matin, je me suis réveillé de mon sommeil et j'ai vu l'horloge indiquer 8h30, je me suis immédiatement précipité pour me préparer à aller à l'université car il ne restait que 30 minutes. Je suis descendu voir Indah préparer le petit-déjeuner pour ses enfants. ...