Sunday, February 23

Author: mantmaturez

My Cousin’s Sex Story Tastes Big Dicks

My Cousin’s Sex Story Tastes Big Dicks

At that time I was staying at my cousin's house in South Jakarta, I lived with her for a while until my house was ready to be renovated. So I was often at home with my cousin. Her name is Firnia, she is now 23 years old, Firnia always takes good care of her body curves, I often watch Firnia sleep without wearing a bra and panties. At that time I was in the living room enjoying my black coffee with a cigarette. From behind I saw the shape of her thighs down to the bottom which were so clean. After I finished relaxing with my coffee I walked to the kitchen to wash. Through the gap in her bedroom door that was not closed, I saw my cousin was naked. Immediately my cock started to rise, I shook my cock while imagining Fucking With Firnia. I Entered And immediately Locked the door slowly, ...
Isäni ja poikaystäväni nauttima seksitarina kehostani

Isäni ja poikaystäväni nauttima seksitarina kehostani

Seksitarina siitä, että isäni ja tyttöystäväni nauttivat kehostani, nimeni on Gita. Olen ainoa lapsi. Äitini on nainen, joka pitää aina huolta vartalostaan, hänen kasvonsa ovat kauniit, valkoiset, seksikkäät, kauniit minua aina hemmottelevat. hän käski aina puhdistaa kehoni. Vartaloni on puhtaan valkoinen, kaunis, suuret rinnat ja pyöreä peppu, joten saan aina lähipiirini ihmisten huomion seksikkään vartaloni takia. Sanoin poikaystäväni tulemaan kotiin, halusin olla seksissä hänen kanssaan, koska minun oli vaikea saavuttaa nautintoa. Lyhyesti sanottuna olin alasti huoneessa, kun poikaystäväni oli juuri tullut kylpyhuoneesta. Tyttöystäväni riisui kaikki vaatteensa ja näin, että hänen kukkonsa oli jo työntymässä ulos, valmiina syöksymään puskuuni. Avasin pienen reiän ja työnsin sitten ...
Maid’s Lust Sex Story

Maid’s Lust Sex Story

This Maid's Lust Sex Story Fucking the maid happened when my husband and I moved to an area in South Sumatra. As a successful businessman, my husband opened a plantation in that area. Meanwhile, I left our two children at his grandmother's place in Padang. I live in this city and deliberately followed my husband. As a businessman, he wants me to accompany him so that he doesn't bother going back and forth to Padang to see me. My first child is 6 years old and the second is 5 years old. Once a month I go home to see my two children. In my house now I live with two maids. One is a woman, while the other is a man who is in charge of guarding the house and cleaning the car and garden in my house. The man's name is Oding. He was hired by my husband because robberies often occur in my area...
Sex Story of a Lonely Widow Who Needs Pleasure

Sex Story of a Lonely Widow Who Needs Pleasure

Sex Story of a Lonely Widow Who Needs Pleasure, I'm Tono, I'm 24 years old, I'm a Head of a family, I have a beautiful and Sexy wife, many of my neighbors are crazy about my wife, but she is working abroad taking care of my project, while I am taking care of my Biggest Development in Semarang Long story short, I met Intan, a widow with 1 child who was left by her husband because her husband was cheating I met her because she had just moved to my complex so I was amazed to see her from bottom to top, this woman was really smooth I dared to get to know her directly and wanted to approach her, who knows, maybe ^^ heheh "Good afternoon, Miss? Just moved here, huh?" "Yes, Sir, why, sir?" "Oh, it's okay, Miss, no wonder I rarely see Miss Gelis here." My joke broke the atmosphere ...
Sex Story Uanga Hot Lektorip Piumasaraa

Sex Story Uanga Hot Lektorip Piumasaraa

Sex-oqaluttuaq: Uanga Hot Lektori Fuck-erniarsarivoq, Taamani Olagaku-mi lektorip inuusuttup illuani saaffigineqarpunga, 25-nik ukiulik. Taanna Lasmi Fitrimik ateqarpoq, timia pualasoq, brysterit annertuut pissangallutik, runde runde. Illuni sianersimavoq, pissutigalugu pappiaqqamik klassimi qimagussorsimasaminik illuatungaani peqarmat. Unnuk taanna nalunaaqutaq 20-p missaanni illuanut ingerlaarpunga. Taamani angerlarsimaffia taanna kisimiilluni. Illuani illup iluani ammarlunga assut pissangavunga, pissutigalugu unnuisarfimmik qalipaatigissumik atorsimammat, taamaalillunilu qimmit qimuttut qimmit qimuttut. Iserpunga lektori ajunngitsumik ilassivoq. Taanna uannut tiimik nassiussivoq issiaqqinniarluni. Taava lektori uanga saniani issiavoq bagage-ralu tigummiarlugu, taannalu pissanganar...
Arvadımın Dostunun Dadlı Sikişdiyi Pişiyin Seks Hekayəsi

Arvadımın Dostunun Dadlı Sikişdiyi Pişiyin Seks Hekayəsi

Adım Həsəndir, həyat yoldaşımla G şəhərində yaşayıram. Bir gün evdə darıxdığım üçün salonda oynayandan sonra bədənimi divana qoydum BF DVD. Şalvarımı çıxarandan sonra indi yalnız köynək geyindim, alt paltarım yox idi. Yavaşca masaj edib xoruzumu silkələdim. Xoruz deşiyimin ucundan aydın bir mayenin əriməsi görünürdü ki, bu da şəhvətimin zirvəsinə çatmasına işarədir. Pornoya baxıb Mifta xəyalına dalarkən əylənirdim ki, ayaq səslərini və kiminsə məni çağırdığını eşitdim. “Həsən? Vivi? Haradasınız uşaqlar? Yəni gedirsən, yoxsa yox?” qışqırdı səs. Şalvar geyinməyə vaxt tapmamış, ehh... birdən qonaq otağında Mifta peyda oldu və... "Aaaaaaa nə edirsən?" “Mən.. uh.. filankəs.. mən.. e.. yenə.. bu...” sualına cavab verə bilmədim. Flustered. Təlaş. duzlama. Hər şey bir-birinə qarışdı. "Niyə...
My Hot Lecturer Sex Story Wants to Fuck

My Hot Lecturer Sex Story Wants to Fuck

My Hot Lecturer Sex Story Wants to Fuck, At that time I was called to the house of my young Sports lecturer, about 25 years old. Her name is Lasmi Fitri, a plump body, big breasts sticking out, a round, curvy butt. Called to her house because there was a paper left in class in my pocket. That night I went to her house around 8 pm. At that time, her house was only hers. When I opened the door of her house, I was a little surprised because she was wearing a thin nightgown, so that her breasts were visible sticking out. I went in. My lecturer greeted me sweetly. She brought me a cup of tea when she was about to sit down, her plate fell, Lasmi bent over, her back to me and clearly the slit of her thick pussy lips was visible Then my lecturer who was sitting beside me and holding my erect...
In Her Squirt My Rod Actually Grows Bigger

In Her Squirt My Rod Actually Grows Bigger

Adult Stories Today Let me introduce myself, my name is Bayu, I have a pretty beautiful wife. Long and straight black hair, smooth white skin, brownish eyes. Her tits are pretty big 36B. I first fell in love with my wife because I was cowardly with her tits. But in this story, I will tell you about my wife's sister or my sister-in-law who is no less smooth than my wife. Her name is Ayu, she is 25 years old. If you look at their bodies, they are almost similar but my sister-in-law is still plumper. At that time I came home from work a bit late. My cowardly wife invited her sister to sleep at our house to accompany her (but that was without my knowledge). I arrived home at 23.00 WIB. The fatigue from work plus the cold air made me very horny. I immediately took a shower. I delib...
Как напряженные секс-истории в штанах

Как напряженные секс-истории в штанах

Дун вуго интернеталъул хӀакъалъулъ лъай гьечӀев ва гьаб хабаралъ бицунеб букӀана дида жеги интернет лъалеб букӀинчӀеб мехалда гӀага-шагарго 2019 соналда ва дица гъваридаб интернет лъазабиялъул махщел бугеб идараялда курс босараб мехалда, дун лъазавуна гьениб бугеб программабазулгун, 2019 соналде щун хадуб. лъазе интернет гъваридго Дун кидаго Щибаб къоялъ дун интернет-кафеялда чӀола, дида цебе лъаларел гӀадамалгун гара-чӀвари гьабизе приложение лъазе ва лъазе. Шамат къоялъ, кидаго гӀадин, дие бокьула сагӀат 18:00 тӀубараб мехалдаса байбихьун интернет-кафеялда гьоболлъухъ ине, дица гьебсагӀатго хал гьабула дирго электронияб почалъул. ЛъугӀун хадуб дие бокьула чаталда жаниб ралагьизе. Гьеб мехалъ гьуригун цадахъ тӀолабго шагьар гӀодобе тӀун бачӀана кӀудияб цӀад. Гьекъолеб жо босулеб мех...
Принцессаялъул кискаялъул сексалъул хабар гӀадин

Принцессаялъул кискаялъул сексалъул хабар гӀадин

Гьеб маргьаялда бицунеб букӀуна ханзабазул яс хъаравулзабаз яги аскарияз сверизаюлей йикӀиналъул, цо къоялъ багӀараб бакъуда 2 ясалдаса ва 4 хъаравулзабаздасан гӀуцӀараб къокъа гьеб бакӀалда сверун хьвадулеб букӀиналъул, гьеб къокъаялда рукӀарал ханзабазул ясазул ханзабазул ясзаби рукӀиналъул, гьел рукӀана цӀакъ берцинаб ва чанго росулъ цебего машгьурлъараб. ТӀоцебесеб яс, ай 19 сон барай принцесса Трибуана Тунга Деви. Путри Трибуанаялъул букӀуна борхатаб, хъахӀаб черхалъул форма, рижарал каранда. Гьелъул гьумер дагьабго овальный, хӀеренал, махщелчагӀазул кӀутӀбузул, роцӀарал беразул ва хъачӀаб нодоялъул. Гьесул рас битӀараб ва мугъзада щвезегӀан халатаб букӀуна. Трибуана ханзабазул ясалъ ретӀун букӀана гӀурччинаб штани, гьурмада сверун букӀана накабазда щвезегӀан цӀакъ берцинаб р...