Friday, October 25
Threesome at the Foot of the Mountain

Threesome at the Foot of the Mountain

I have a close friend named Sherly. Unlike me who is a housewife, Sherly is a career woman, free, dynamic, and what I like about her is her stories which are often strange, especially stories about her sexual adventures. One day when we were chatting in a cafe, she interrupted me with an offer that I thought was crazy, “Yan, let’s have a threesome!” she asked. Half shocked and a quarter curious, I said, “Wow… it must be fun, huh??” I replied while probing. “Yeah, of course, it must be fun, because I’ve never had a threesome either,” she said pretending to be pious. We fell silent again while sipping the teapot that had been accompanying our afternoon. But strangely, after being silent for a while, I asked her, “If we have a threesome, who will it be with, Sher?” Sherly smiled broadly...
Like Lesbian Sex Stories

Like Lesbian Sex Stories

A Special Adult Website Containing the Latest Hot Sex Stories, Perverted, Teenagers, Fucking, Aunts, Widows, Incest, Students, Cheating, Horny, Virgin Vaginas 18+. Let's call me Lia. I'm still in 2nd grade at a high school in Yogya. I'm about 165 cm tall and weigh about 49 kg. I'm actually not a lesbian myself. But why, when I saw Nafa Urbach's video clip entitled 'Lebih Baik Putus', my eyes immediately fell on her beautiful breasts. Which are very sexy. I felt a different feeling when I saw it. Since then I often watch her video clips and pay attention to her breasts. Not only that. On other television shows, what I pay attention to is definitely the breasts of the female presenters. Beautiful or not. Especially those wearing tight clothes. Some of the artists I like are Kris Dayant...
Sek’s story a one dark story bout a hijab wearing artist an har family

Sek’s story a one dark story bout a hijab wearing artist an har family

Sorry temperature guys, mi deh yah a laan fi post fi di first time. Please enlighten mi post if yuh have errors. Dis time mi ago present fictional stories a artists weh deh inna mi imagination. Sorry if newbies dem nuh perfect yet at creating imaginative works. Criticism an suggestions really help mi fi create. Di Dark Side a Hijab Artists Dis a di work a mi imagination (no sara), weh clear, mi really imagine if deh deh a hijab-wearing artist weh a one sex maniac an coulda become a sex slave. Outa di uol iip a aatis stuori dem we mi riid, mi faainalli get inspaya bai aatis Oki Setiana Dewi. Jus go straight to it, bro. Ory Vitrio officially become Oki Setiana Dewi, a hijab-wearing artist weh deh pan di rise now. However, Ory Vitrio neva know di dark side a him wife, cause him really ...
Sex with Grandmother Tragic Story

Sex with Grandmother Tragic Story

Sex with Grandmother Tragic Story Sex Story | An unfortunate fate befell Kina, a student with a beautiful and petite face, where her fate was raped in turns by her campus friends, Kina who is still young has a body that is indeed tempting for men, especially with her big and round breasts, short hair and easy to get along with anyone. On campus and in her social life she often wears a hijab, even so when she is at home she does not wear a hijab and dresses casually like most girls. The incident began on Saturday afternoon when Kina had just come home from campus and was about to rest. Suddenly her cellphone rang. The name Doni was listed on the screen. He is Kina's campus friend. "Hello Don, what's up?". said Kina. "Hello too, no I just want to invite you to study together at m...
Latest Porn Sex Stories

Latest Porn Sex Stories

Dis incident happen bout 4 years ago wen mi was 22 years old. Dem taim de mi did stil a stodi a wahn yuunivorsiti ina Surabaya. Mi meet via di internet wid a 40 year old Chinese widow name Felicia, she have 2 children aged 5 an 9 years. At first mi did only interested cause di people dem did friendly an fun fi chat wid an quite able fi follow di style a young people, aka quite 'social'. Almost every night him call mi house. Somtaim even him pickney dem join inna him jokes ova di phone. Wan taim, Felicia did a go pan asainment fram ar afis tu Surabaya, shi kaal fi aks fi pik op ar a di ierpuot, shi se, wow, it swiit, mi kyan miit yu an chat an juok. Pan di day him call mi again him seh him did a wear a pink shirt an black trousers. Hmm, wen mi reach di airport, mi did very confused we...
Stāsts par iekāres pilnu ģimeni, kas vienmēr ir izslāpusi pēc apmierinājuma

Stāsts par iekāres pilnu ģimeni, kas vienmēr ir izslāpusi pēc apmierinājuma

Mani sauc Raflijs, 36 gadus vecs, viens no laimīgākajiem vīriešiem pasaulē. Kāpēc? Jo materiālo lietu ziņā man netrūkst un pats galvenais, ka man ir ļoti saskanīga ģimene, visos jautājumos arī seksā. Mana sieva Sāra (34) un mūsu vienīgā meita Karina (18) ir pierādījums tam, ka harmonija nozīmē iespēju nodarboties ar seksu ar jebkuru un jebkurā vietā mūsu mājā. Jo mēs esam brīva seksa piekritēji un mūs pat var klasificēt kā nūdistus. Kā bijusī pieaugušo žurnāla modele ārzemēs Sāra ir ļoti elastīga katru dienu, mājās nevalkājot nekādas drēbes. Pilnīgi kaili, ja ir viesi tikai nedaudz piesedz viņu mini bikini un peldēšanās kimono. Izejot no mājas tikai t-kreklā un mini svārkos bez apakšveļas. Visi ir pieraduši būt bez drēbēm, un tas ir mantojis mūsu meitu Karīnu. Skolas vecums viņam nav...
Father and Stepdaughter in the Sin of Lustful Pleasure

Father and Stepdaughter in the Sin of Lustful Pleasure

This story begins with the naughtiness of my stepfather and my resignation. Let me introduce myself, my name is Vina, I am 18 years old. I am currently in high school in Medan. One day I had an experience that was certainly new for a girl my age. Oh yeah, I am a girl, my skin looks clean and white and one more thing, sprinkled with fine hairs all over my body which of course men really like. My friends say I am beautiful. Indeed, this afternoon the weather is quite hot, one by one the clothes that are attached to my body I remove. I admit, even though I am still a teenager, I have a fairly plump body. If you see the curves of this body, of course it invites any man's Adam's apple to choke. With reddish hair and a height of 167 cm, I look mature. At first glance, anyone might not b...
Күн сайын азгыруучу жылмаюу менен катч

Күн сайын азгыруучу жылмаюу менен катч

Мен өзүм башынан өткөргөн окуя, бул окуя менин өтө түйшүктүү ишимден башталды. Мен озумду тааныштырып кетейин, мени Диди деп коёлу, окуянын башы... себеби менин жумушум офисте абдан бош эмес, ошондуктан офисте болгондо жумуш убактысын билбейм.. Балким, ушул убакыттын ичинде катчым мени кээде акылга сыйбаган жолдор менен шылдыңдап жүргөнүн түшүнбөймүн, бирок жумушта абдан бош эмес болгондуктан, катчыма көңүл бурган жокмун. Катчым үйлөнгөнү менен балдары жок. Ооба, балким, али балалуу болгусу келбей жаткандыр, узун сөздүн кыскасы, бир күнү менин иштерим кайра үйүлүп, жаңы долбоор келген жок. Мен катчымдан эртеңки жаңы кардарлардын алдында презентацияга бардык материалдарды даярдоого жардам берүү үчүн ашыкча иштөөнү сурандым. Балдарым баары үйгө кеткенде кабинетте катчым экөөбүз гана...
Seksa stāsts par manu pirmo mīlestību, pilns ar jaukām atmiņām

Seksa stāsts par manu pirmo mīlestību, pilns ar jaukām atmiņām

Vienkārši sauciet mani par Renaldu, izskatīgs pusaudzis, un pat daži mani draugi saka, ka esmu pelnījis būt mākslinieks. Kā gan nevarētu būt, esmu gara auguma, mana seja ir skaista, mans ķermenis ir arī atlētisks, tik daudzas meitenes manā skolā ir simpātijas, bet es atbildu tikai normāli, jo man vēl nav sakritības. Līdz beidzot mani vecāki pārcēla pilsētas un arī man bija jāpārvieto skolas, un man nav nekādu atmiņu par savu veco skolu, mans liktenis bija patiešām neveiksmīgs. Kad es pārcēlos uz savu jauno skolu, ar savu skaisto seju man nebija grūti tur atrast draugus, līdz es atradu tuvu draugu vārdā Sura. Stāsts sākas no šejienes, Pirmajā dienā, kad iestājos 3 klasē mani iepazīstināja vienā no klasēm, ja nemaldos, 3 zinātnes, esmu gudrs cilvēks, man ir dabiski iedziļināties zinātn...
Mana labākā drauga māsīca un es slepeni tiekamies pansionātā

Mana labākā drauga māsīca un es slepeni tiekamies pansionātā

Es jutos atvieglots, ieraugot savas pansijas žogu pēc tam, kad biju iestrēdzis sastrēgumā uz ceļa no savas universitātes pilsētiņas. Es paskatījos pulkstenī, kas rādīja 21.05, kas nozīmēja, ka esmu pavadījis stundu Džakartas briesmīgajā satiksmē. Pēc mašīnas novietošanas es steidzos uz savu istabu un tad uzreiz iemetu savu nogurušo ķermeni gultā, nepaspējot aizvērt guļamistabas durvis. Tikko acis aizvērās, mani pēkšņi pārsteidza klauvējiens pie guļamistabas durvīm, ko pavadīja skaļš kliedziens no man ļoti pazīstamas balss. "Ak, jūs tikko atnācāt mājās, vai ne?" Vonija dārdošā balss piespieda manas acis paskatīties uz balss avotu. "Jā, kas tur par visu bļaušanu?" Es dusmīgi atbildēju, berzējot acis. "Es gribu jūs iepazīstināt ar savu brālēnu, kas tikko ieradās no Bandungas," viņš at...